First Impression
This website hasn’t done a lot to make it any different from many other dating websites but its purpose is that it will cater to people that are interested in connecting with Ethiopians.
The introduction on the opening page is pretty standard and they have a photo of a very pretty, presumably Ethiopian, young lady as the front picture.
Some History and Interesting Facts About Ethiopia
The first thought that usually comes to mind when somebody mentions Ethiopia are images of starving people living in a 3rd World country. This may be partly true for some specific areas, but, in fact, there are far more positives in this country.
Ethiopia has a population of about 100 million, making it the largest populated landlocked country on Earth. Evidence suggests that the origin of the human species came from this area.
Ethіоріа іѕ a trаvеlеr’ѕ раrаdіѕе, еѕресіаllу fоr thоѕе interested in hіѕtоrу, trіbаl сulturеѕ, аuthеntіс Nоrth Afrісаn fооd, ѕсеnіс beauty аnd соmmеrсіаl еxрlоrаtіоn. Thе rісhnеѕѕ оf Ethіоріаn сulturе іѕ реrhарѕ thе most mаgnеtіс раrt that dоеѕ nоt аllоw tourists to ѕtісk to juѕt оnе сіtу.
A tурісаl vасаtіоn in the соuntrу would entail a соnѕіdеrаblе amount оf traveling between рlасеѕ of іntеrеѕt in Ethіоріа. Some оf thе biggest аttrасtіоnѕ are Rіft Vаllеу, Bluе Nіlе Falls, Axum, Lаlіbеlа, Gоndеr, Deber Damo, Bаhr Dar аnd Hаrаr. The capital is Addis Ababa.
History and Architecture
Most оf the interesting locations іnсludе historic сіtіеѕ and tоwnѕ wіth kіngdоmѕ dating bасk tо the 10th сеnturу. Hаrаr іѕ оnе оf thе cities whісh attracts many visitors for its holy status, handicrafts, tеxtіlеѕ аnd a vast assortment of аrсhіtесturе amongst its 99 mosques.
The сіtу is аlѕо fаmоuѕ for hаvіng been hоmе tо the fаmоuѕ French poet Rіmbаud, аnd аlѕо fоr thе evening gаmеѕ whеrе local mеn ѕhоw thеіr whisperer ѕkіllѕ bу саllіng and feeding wіld hуеnаѕ.
Similar hіѕtоrіс сіtіеѕ include Lаlіbеlа, whісh is knоwn fоr іtѕ ѕurrоundіng complex оf rock churches аnd mеdіеvаl ѕеttlеmеntѕ аt the сеntеr.
Life isn’t all that easy in the country and as a result, the women, in particular, are looking at different options when it comes to marriage and romance. Enter Ethiopian Personals.
Why did we mention all this? Because if you do decide to go and meet a young lady from Ethiopia, it’s nice to know that there are many things to do in the country apart from romance or to go on a date.
You have to go through the usual registration procedures which means providing your name and age and supplying a few photos. The suggestion is to do a fast registration and then check out the site. You can always come back and fill in all the search criteria stuff and your personal likes and dislikes later.
You have an option during the enrolment to check ‘World’ as an additional place to conduct searches. Your registration details will be up to you and your honesty as to just how interested you are in meeting a woman from Ethiopia. It’s a bit like internet marketing. The more exposure you get the more chances you have of meeting your future partner.
Compared to some of the better-looking sites that offer far more bang for your buck, membership charges for Ethiopian Personals is surprisingly high.
It’s going to cost you $40 per month which, when compared to other dating sites, is quite expensive. Even the 6 monthly at $25 puts it a lot more than most other comparative sites.
A reflection of the cost might be found in the fact that the vast majority of women on the site did not have paid accounts. How can you tell?
Well, there is a big ‘Platinum’ banner next to the ones who had paid. That would mean contact with those without a paid membership might be impossible. Some sites allow women on for free and men have to pay (so much for equality of the sexes!), so maybe that’s not an issue.
The best you are going to get for your money is the ability to communicate by messages with your selected match. You can read their messages, you can send them messages, you can find out who has been looking at your profile and you can narrow down your search criteria to be more specific.
Compared to other sites that offer (at a price) video chat, short video clips, better quality photos and translation services, the value for that outlay is really not there.
Black Africans from the USA are the first matches that will appear in your search, which is not the aim of a site that hopefully will take you to Ethiopia. However, once you have entered your search criteria, you are back on the right track as you can select the country in which the woman is located.
There seems to be quite a range of girls that should suit the tastes of those looking for this type of woman. The online indicator, like some other sites, doesn’t seem to mean who is online on that site. It showed 1192 online but when you wanted to see who they were, there were only 3 profiles that appeared!?
I Like
The ‘Back to Search’ deserves a mention because a few dating sites forgot to add it. You click and it takes you back to exactly where you hopped off to look at a special match.
The ‘Slideshow’ is a great way to get a close up of your selected match criteria girls. You can then say ‘yes, I like’ or ‘no, I don’t.’ The ones you like are then added to your favorites. This is a better way than having to add favorites specifically in another window.
When your only introduction to somebody in the initial stages is by photograph, most of the girls fail badly. Group pictures, out of focus, too far away, silly faces and supplying just the one, bad photograph will ensure that your prospective suitor is going to scroll right past you.
While this is not the problem of the website, per se, if they upped their standard and demanded great photos, then the quality of the website would lift in pace with the quality of the photos. (I wish women would read this section.)
Moving away from Ethiopia and checking out women in other countries can also be done by simply changing the country in search criteria. If the pictures of some of the women seem vaguely familiar, you’re probably right. They have been scraped from similar dating websites.
That’s not a complaint, by the way. It’s simply an observation, and if a woman, like a guy, wants to give herself every opportunity, then appearing on multiple dating sites is as good a way as any.
The profile information on a couple were a bit confusing when their age said 21 but their intro said they were 24? Maybe they are old profiles and you will never find out the truth until you register and pay for your upgrade.
How well are the profiles and pictures checked? Not very well. As a keen observer of females and their photos, it was obvious that a couple of the postings were from ladyboys.
On a positive note, there seemed to be a lot of girls on the site. When you check the other countries you will find lots of girls with posted profiles.
I guess the website is tied into like-sites once you click on the ‘World TM’ option. While I don’t personally like the style of the dating site, it fills the purpose and does what it says it does.
The recommendation is to register, have a look at the women who have posted and if you like what you see, pay for an upgrade after you have selected your favorites. That way you can message them and start a dialogue. You can start with a month.
EthiopianPersonals Review
Hotness Factor
User Interface
Number of Profiles
Quality of Profiles
This website hasn’t done a lot to make it any different from many other dating websites but its purpose is that it will cater to people who are interested in connecting with Ethiopians.