This is a disclosure statement to let you know that International Love Scout is a commercial website. That means we are trying, not necessarily very successfully, to make money on this website.
We generally get paid something if you click on a banner or some of our links and go to a web site – and spend money. Sometimes we get paid if you sign up and in the past we briefly had some pay per click ads and if we can figure out a way to make money we might do that again in the future.
However, it does not mean that we are not trying to provide you with the very BEST information on about mail order brides on the Internet. In fact, we believe we try harder than just about anyone, because we want you to recommend ILS to any other guys that you think might be interested in international dating or romance.
We would love for you to link to our site or give us a great review somewhere, so we try very hard to give you the real scoop.
There are literally thousands of international dating websites and we looked at many, many sites that we did not think were up to our standards. That doesn’t mean that there are not some other good sites out there, but it means that we believe that the sites we list are among the best, most legit international marriage sites on the web.
Also, you see that we try to give honest reviews and answer the criticism that some people have of the various agencies we present, but we are getting paid, in some way from most of them. That’s pretty much how the internet operates.
If you are confused, angry, or annoyed by our policies or if you don’t like anything else about the web site or any other annoyance in your life or those little voices in your head, feel free to contact Chris using the contact link at the bottom of the site. He loves complaints and he probably is hearing the same voices as you.