Laura is a petite beauty who lives in Cartagena, Colombia, a place unfortunately blighted by a high crime rate as rival paramilitary groups vie for power.
At just 5”3’, it saddens one to think of this lovely young lady living in such trying surroundings. Despite this, Laura comes across as an individual determined to rise above her circumstances, describing herself as both optimistic and enterprising.
Her aim within the next decade is to own her own home-based business
At 21 years of age, Laura has never been married and has no children but both of these are definite ambitions of hers.
We found her dating profile over on A Foreign Affiar’s website, where she tells us that she is looking for a man who is, quite simply, romantic. Couple this with her listing roses as her favourite flower and you’re beginning to get the picture.
As you can see from her pictures, Laura is an active girl, and her past-time/sport of choice is skating. Sounds like a pretty cool first date: skating down a promenade or boulevard.
She also likes to keep fit by working out and swimming. When she’s not out and about, she likes to read and tells us that her favourite author is JK Rowling, renowned for her Harry Potter series.
This ambitious young lady also shows an interest in travel, commenting that she would most like to visit Egypt.