Sometimes, when you are building something you are given this big long list of instructions that makes figuring things out easy. Other times, well you are literally flying blind in the wind.
This is one of those flying blind in the wind times!
Gilari Kumiko’s A Foreign Affair profile literally give us nothing to go on so we’re going to have to do a great deal of deductive reasoning mixed with a little bit of presumption.
The amount of info she gave us about herself and what she wants could literally fit on the back of a sugar packet.
But let’s try making the best of this situation, shall we?
For starters, she describes herself as sweet and kind. Which is always good to know. You don’t want to get into a relationship with a woman that describes herself as a pain to deal with.
I imagine that she wouldn’t have too much of a problem figuring out dinner if you are running late getting home from work instead of telling you to figure it out once you get through the door.
As far as interests go, our information begins and ends at movies. This lack of information could actually be a good thing, because she may be trying to say as much as she can with as few words as possible.
You could take this to mean that she would be completely up for an all-night Jackie Chan marathon or something.
As far as what she says she wants in a man, the limits her remarks simply to a good one. Which makes perfect sense, as long as you are a good person the rest usually takes care of itself.
So if you are one of those guys that habitually gets into bar fights and spends most of your weekends in your local drunk tank she might not be the right woman for you.
However, if you are the type that possesses a kind and caring soul this just might be the one you are looking for.