This is Tatyana. She’s a Ukrainian doctor. Damn! Damn! D-D-A-M-N!
This makes me think about the old song: Doctor, doctor, give me the news?I got a bad case of lovin’ you! Well, at least a bad case of lusting for you. In the US doctors aren’t this hot on TV!
Tatyana is 31 years old and lives in Kiev. She says she speaks good English and basic German.
And she could pass for Angelina Jolie’s better looking sister. Yeah, she’s a doctor too. Are you interested yet?
Can you meet a girl like this in Cleveland, Orlando, or Boise? Maybe, maybe, just maybe, but Tatyana is here and wants to meet you.
Tatyana is exactly the reason that Russian mail order brides have stayed so popular. She is gorgeous, intelligent, and she wants to meet an average guy who is simply NOT a jerk.
Here is a little quiz to see if you are qualified:
- Do you drink less than a fifth of vodka a week? You are almost a teetotaler by Ukrainian standards.
- You are gainfully employed? Well, there’s another point in your favor.
- And you are patient and reasonably positive, right? If not don’t contact Tatyana or any other woman from Russia, Ukraine, China, or anywhere else on Earth. Get your life together before you try to spread the joy.
And of course you are looking for a woman to build a good life with. Then you, sir, are a winner!
You are the kind of guy Tatyana wants to meet. You don’t have to be a rock star or play left tackle for the Packers. You just need to be a pretty good guy who is trying to be a little better person and looking for a woman to build a life with.
If you’re not convinced yet then listen to this quote from her dating profile:
I’m tender, sensual, kind, family-oriented, honest, beautiful woman without bad habits and with great sense of humor.
I think Tatyana has just described the perfect wife.
Her profile is brought to you by Anastasia Date. It is the biggest mail order bride agency on earth. Check her out!