Is it just me or are red heads just a little more enticing? I see a redhead and I instantly think that she’s feisty, fun and wild. Am I being too superficial or did I just hit the mark?
Anyway, Liliya here is a natural redhead and she is just gorgeous! But looking at her picture reminds me of a rather famous villain. Doesn’t Liliya resemble the sexy and seductive villain Poison Ivy?
And look at those piercing blue eyes. Doesn’t it make you want to just succumb to her every wish and desire? My favorite part about Poison Ivy is how she kills her victims. She makes out with them while injecting them with poison. Who am I to stand in the way of true love?
Anyway, more about this redheaded beauty named Liliya. In her profile over at Be Happy Today she shares:
My inner world is full of different emotions which are expressed in the painting on the nails. But I would like to give all my feelings to my right man. I consider myself a creative person, the work helps me to relax and get in harmony with the environment. I think that everything that happens in our lives, whether good or bad, is done for the better.
I especially liked the part where Liliya wrote…
A large family with its little traditions and holidays – this is the main purpose of my future husband. I will support him, sharing his joys and sorrows. He will build a house, and I will make it cosy. I will give birth to a son, and he will bring him up. He will plant a tree, and I’ll take care of it and gather the fruit.(preferable age: from 29 to 59).
So, Liliya is nothing like the famous Poison Ivy. I think my inner college boy soul is crying. Liliya’s as hot as the notorious villain but she’s as sweet as pumpkin pie. Hey, I can work with that.
To read more interesting quotes from Liliya check out her profile at Be Happy Today.