Yangyang is hot-hot!
Well, so much for the short Chinese woman stereotype. Look at those legs! This lady is 5’10 and she might have the longest legs in China.
Yangyang is also serious. She writes that, “I think age is just a number, and I do not mind an age difference, what about you dear?”
Do you mind an age gap with a sexy Asian girl? Or would you be embarrassed?
Come on! Yangyang is willing to accept you even if when you hear the word lottery you still think of the draft lottery back in ’69. So, what? If she doesn’t care why should you?
Also, if you are taller than 5’10 I bet that would help you because Yangyang has towered over most Chinese men, who only average about 5’6, since she was a kid. She is a flat out Chinese Amazon princess.
Well, if you are on the fence about this young lady you should definitely check out her additional photos over at A Foreign Affair. They are HOT!
She really is a stunner. Check her out. What do you have to lose?