You know I sometimes wonder if any of the girls on Africa Beauties see my words about their profiles. For instance, would Oloko here see herself as “luscious”? They say we have two faces: the one we show and the one the world sees. Well, that’s my defense if she would disagree.
Of course, not many women would object to being seen by a man as “luscious”. And if they would, I’m guessing many of us would just as soon leave them alone anyway.
What’s interesting here is that Oloko’s sporting a kind of Mona Lisa-esque look: a hint of a smile, mysterious and quietly pleading eyes, and a quizzical sort of sexy staring. I’m sure that description may have befuddled you more than enlightened you about this girl.
Ah, but her words reveal more. Very succinctly she says of her character, “am caring and full of fun“.
OK, so maybe the pictures had another aim, and the truth is in the words?
I’m not sure, but something about this girl draws you in, as if the many layers will reveal a hidden prize. I’m not sure but I’m curious. How about you? See more at Africa Beauties.