Jaudicia has lived some life in her 28 years, I think I can safely say. She’s a single mom with two kids, a five year old girl and ten year-old boy.
I always admire single moms who get the job done, doing whatever must be done to take care of their kids. Costa Rican women have seen huge changes in their country in the last ten years and most of them seem to be realists who understand that success requires hardwork and that seems to be Jaudicia’s attitude.
But that’s not to say Jaudicia lets her social life slip; she keeps fit with roller blading, soccer, and running. Of course, with two beautiful kids, she’s not looking for a slacker; no, she wants a man who is understanding, responsible and gentle.
And the good news, she has no preference at all concerning his age.
So, if you’re a take charge guy who wants a built-in family with a hot mom, head over to A Foreign Affair and check Jaudicia out.