Sometimes you can get a lot out of a little bit of information. Even a few short remarks can tell you a great deal about a person and what that they want out of life.
With Martha, that definitely seems to be the case.
While her profile at African Beauties isn’t exactly the length of your average Stephen King novel, it does give us a good bit of insight about her and what she wants out of a relationship and life in general.
For starters, she is fluent in English so you can tell that she is a self-starter that has a strong sense of dedication.
Learning a language can be a very difficult thing to do, and despite what many in the West believe; learning English and becoming fluent in it can actually be a bit of a haul.
Just the fact that she is fluent in another language, and English at that definitely indicates that she will put her entire heart and soul into a relationship.
Her fluency in another language also factors heavily into the fact that one of her main interest is traveling.
Face it, there are a lot more people that speak English outside of what people normally consider to be English speaking countries.
I would imagine that it is a great deal easier for her to get from point A to point B with some level of English under her belt.
She describes herself as a Christian, which lends heavily to the assumption that she is a person with a strong sense of faith and family values.
I haven’t met many women with a strong sense of faith that didn’t want to settle down and raise a family.
You can contact Martha over at African Beauties – just click on her picture up above and we will take you over there.