Over the years AFA has conducted literally thousands of these parties. Currently they throw socials in at least half a dozen countries, but until July 21 I had never been able to attend a social.
Before the event I had spent a few days in Minsk, Belarus at an international dating conference. At the conference, there were numerous representatives from companies who compete with AFA.
None of them were critical of A Foreign Affair, but they almost universally slipped in some comment that the socials, “…were not nearly as good as they used to be.”
I must have heard a dozen variations of that comment during my brief stay in Minsk.
I had also read several similar comments on a few of the international dating message boards where I regularly lurk in search of new material or scoops.
So, I was not really expecting anything extraordinary as I hustled out of Minsk and flew to Belarus. In fact, I suspected it would not be worth all the trouble, particularly during the ridiculous taxi ride from the hotel to the social. I really had my expectations under control.
How Good Was The Social?
I have to admit, I was not in St. Petersburg in 1995, but DAMN! I thought it was a great event!
I am not really sure how amazing the socials used to be, but the event that I attended on July 21, 2017 was a lot better than any Friday night I have had in a very long time. Seriously, there were maybe 50 guys and somewhere near 500 women at the event.
I am not certain of the exact numbers and I am not asking AFA for the official count. This article is about my personal impression of the event. And my impression was pretty damn amazed!
There in my opinion there was a good mix of women in terms of age.
There were not many in the very youngest category, say under 23, but that was about it.
Later I was told that was intentional, but I did not ask AFA to confirm it.
It makes sense because there were not many men under 50, so really inviting a bunch of 18-year-old girls would have probably been pointless or even counterproductive.
You Can Meet Women Way Out of Your League!
But that is not to say that there were not a LOT of hot young women. I met quite a few beautiful women who were way out of my league.
For instance, here I am with two nice young ladies:
Both of these girls were very sweet. I got the phone number of the young lady on the right to meet her for a date a couple of days later. She spoke fluent English and was very cool.
This brunette stunner also gave me her number:
And I am just a fat guy with an LSU degree, so I am sure a slick talking fella like you could do better!
The truth was that it was a lot of fun.
Here is another photo of me enjoying the event:
So, I thought the social was great!
How Did the Men On The Tour Rate The Social?
What did the men on the tour think?
I stayed at the beautiful old Londonskaya where the tour group stayed and I spoke to about twelve of the tour participants.
About ten of them said they thought the social in Odessa was great, but a few said it was not as good as the social in Kiev and one said the best social was in Kharkov.
I met one guy who said that there were not enough hot young women.
Well, as you can see from my photos there were some hot young women there.
Were there as many women there as at a Victoria’s Secret fashion show?
No, but this was more fun that that because a fat old guy like me is not going to end up talking to a Victoria’s Secret Model.
And, ironically, I met another guy who thought there were too many young women at the event!
He said that he was looking for women between 45 and 60, because he was 64.
I believe he said he thought the odds of a happy marriage were better if the age gap did not exceed twenty years and maybe he did not want a woman with minor children.
Anyhow, the two guys that were unhappy were unhappy for diametrically different reasons.
AFA provided me with a sweet translator who took notes and the photos. She did a great job.
It was a little stressful, but it was good stress. I arrived a little late because traffic from the airport was a nightmare, but I still had a lot of fun.
So, I can give the A Foreign Affair socials an A+.
Honestly, when you throw a big event there are always little things that could be better, but this social far exceeded my expectations.
I cannot promise your experience would be as good, but these events do give you an excellent chance to meet some amazing women.
If a guy like me can show up late and still snag a few dates with women way out of his league why can’t you?
You probably can on an AFA tour where there are sometimes as many as seven of these socials across the breath and width of Ukraine.
It really was like shooting over a baited field or whatever analogy you want to provide.
There was a bit of a speed dating feel to the event, but that is very much in the nature of this type of event.
If that bothers you there are matchmaking services that take a different approach, but AFA’s approach is proven.
Literally thousands of happy marriages have resulted from these events. It is also a cost effective and fun way to meet beautiful women.
A Foreign Affair has been doing this for over twenty years. They know what they are doing. Here is how they explain their system to meet women.