Booze And Foreign Brides Do Not Mix!

man drinking booze

WARNING!!! Booze And Foreign Brides Do Not Mix!


You probably are not a teetotaler; you probably like a couple of beers or a mixed drink from time to time.

That’s OK.  I’m the same way.

In Russia alcoholism is an epidemic.  It kills men early.

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The life expectancy of Russian men fell to a low of 57 after the fall of the Soviet Union largely because the new government allowed the free flow of alcohol.  It has improved some, but Russian men still drink to a degree unimaginable in most Western countries.

Take a look at this article at the Atlanticwire and you’ll get an idea just how bad it is:

It is not as bad in Latin America or Asia, but many of these women have witnessed first hand the abuse that often goes along with alcohol consumption. So, if you want to impress a foreign woman drink less – drink a lot less – or don’t drink at all because you can’t possibly drink enough to impress them.

These are young women who have see a lot of dumb drunks – don’t be another one.

Be older and wiser – be classy.

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